
Funding SchemeProject TitleApproved Amount (HK$)
HKU Seed Fund for Basic ResearchPeer-led brief phone counseling, chat-based text messaging and online education hubs for reducing alcohol consumption and binge drinking in adolescents: A pilot randomized controlled trial149,773
Health Bureau, The HKSAR governmentSchool-based Survey on Smoking among Students 2024/251,359,267
Chinese Medicine Applied Studies and Research Funding Scheme, Chinese Medicine Development FundEffectiveness of integrating acupuncture, acupressure and nicotine replacement therapy for smoking cessation: a double-blind randomized controlled trial1,973,466
World Health OrganizationSystematic review report on very brief advice for tobacco cessation39,250
Health Medical Research Fund, Food and Health BureauDevelopment of typology-based smoking relapse prevention intervention: A Q-methodology and a pilot randomized controlled trial500,000
General Research Fund, Research Grants CouncilSnapshot your drinking: Ecological momentary assessment and content analysis for alcohol marketing in Hong Kong in-school adolescents1,047,115
Early Career Scheme, Research Grants CouncilNormalization of alcohol drinking due to exposure to alcohol marketing in young adults: a prospective study with ecological momentary assessment776,100
Health Medical Research Fund, Food and Health BureauDevelopment and a pilot randomized controlled trial of a brief alcohol intervention during smoking cessation treatment delivered by healthcare professionals100,000
The Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund, HKSAR governmentResearch service and consultancy for the testing ground of the Gerontechnology Platform3,598,479
Department of Health, Tobacco and Alcohol Control OfficeA training package for healthcare professionals to deliver brief advice on smoking cessation and relevant support materials1,200,000
Health Medical Research Fund, Research Fellowship SchemeLow-intensity ecological momentary assessment (EMA) for smoking cessation intervention and tobacco control policy evaluation: A randomized controlled trial nested within an EMA-based observational study1,083,731
HKU Start-up FundEvaluation of tobacco use, smoking cessation and tobacco control policy: secondary data analysis of population-based cross-sectional surveys1,000,000
Health Care and Promotion SchemeUse of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) sample and brief smoking cessation advice for recruiting smokers to smoking cessation services and motivating quit attempts1,200,000
Health and Medical Research FundEffectiveness of WhatsApp online group discussion for smoking relapse prevention: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial967,620